Stratos Instruments

Right brain,

Left brain.

Creative versus Analytical.

Arts programs? or STEM Education?

We’re brought up in a society that emphasizes a divide between the Arts and the Sciences. The idea that people who are good at one, can’t also be good at the other is all too common.

 Bridge the Divide

Stratos Instruments LLC develops Open Source multi-sensory electronic music instruments & visualizers, cultivates partnerships, and provides educational resources that combine creative expression with computational thinking.

 Optron exists at the intersection of creative expression, musicianship, lighting design, and STEM education. At first glance, it looks like a guitar and a lightsaber had a baby. Underneath is a powerful combination of bleeding edge electronics and RGB LED array. It is held and performed much like a guitar.


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Coming Soon!

Opti Light.jpg

Optron Pro

• 3.3ft long

• 144 ultra-bright RGB LEDs

• 20.5in pressure-sensitive fret board

• 5 copper capacitive touch sensors

• 6 degree-of-freedom motion sensor

• Optional 8-sensor hand motion tracker